In this section you'll find video tutorials, books, articles and many other useful resources to improve your photography skills!
Down here you'll find a collection of video tutorials where I explain how I got from the RAW file(s) to the final result, showing you in the meantime all my favorite techniques and tricks I've learned over time. For all the videos, unless stated, the only softwares used are Adobe Camera Raw and Adobe Photoshop. Oh, and the free Adobe Bridge to select the pictures.
While I see that many of my colleagues have some very complex workflows, I like to keep mine as simple as possible; I prefer way more to spend time outside shooting rather than staying at home in front of the computer. In these videos you'll find many techniques explained such as: exposure blending, vertical panorama, focus stacking, dodging and burning, etc. I tried to explain them in a very simple and straightforward way, so that you won't have any problems to follow up and learn how to apply those techniques on your pictures.
Having said that, as I cover my complete workflow I won't be able to explain the very basics of the softwares such as masking, layers, etc, so you'll have to know a bit of Photoshop first in order to make the most out of these videos.
I really hope you'll be able to learn and use on your own pictures all of the techniques I've explained in these videos, and if you have any questions.. Don't hesitate to contact me!

Video Tutorial Bundle Pack - 3 in 1 - Save 17%
If you are interested in all the videos you'll find below here, this is without any doubt your best option! By buying this package, you'll get full access to the two "start to finish" videos called "The Lost Canyon" and "The Howling Mistress" plus the introduction tutorial to Adobe Photoshop, where I go through 4 easy examples to show you the very fundamentals of the software. The aim of these tutorials is to give you a huge boost in terms of editing knowledge and make you understand what needs to be done, when and how.
If you want more specific infos about what are the techniques you'll find explained in the videos, just scroll down to the single tutorial descriptions and you'll find all the details you need.
Oh, and remember that the images down here are interactive, so that you can check the before and after on every image!
€44.90Add to cart
Introduction to Adobe Photoshop - 4 Simple Examples
In this video I went through the very fundamentals you need to know in order to post process your pictures with Adobe Photoshop. I'll show you what it means to work with masks and layers, one of the pillars of my Photoshop workflow, together with many other tips and tricks I've learned along the years. To show you how you can easily work on your pictures once you've learnt how to use the software, I used 4 quite different pictures. All these images have one thing in common: I haven't spent more than 10 minutes post processing each one of them. I'll work on them from the very start in Adobe Camera Raw till the resizing and sharpening part on Adobe Photoshop, so that you'll be able to follow me step by step all along the process!
Things explained in this video:
- Adobe Camera Raw
- The Photoshop Interface
- Layers and Masks
- Adjustment Layers
- Enhancing Contrasts
- Enhancing Light
- Working selectively on colors
- Orton Effect
- Resizing and Sharpening for Web
...and much more!
Duration Time: 1h 20m
€17.90Add to cart
"The Lost Canyon" - Start to Finish
In this video you can observe all the post production techniques that I used to get from the RAW files to the final result; we will start from the initial choice of the files till the final sharpening and resizing the file for publication on the web.
The technique to which we will pay particular attention in this tutorial is the so-called vertical panorama, very useful in cases where your minimum focal length is not wide enough, so that you have to take multiple frames and then combine them with Photoshop. The "vertoramas" (vertical panoramas) are quite complex to create and this is exactly why I wanted to dedicate a video tutorial to this technique. The softwares used in this video are Adobe Camera Raw and Adobe Photoshop, no additional panel / plug-in will be needed.
Specifically, we will touch the following topics during the video:
- Vertical Panorama
- Dodge & Burn (Enhancing a light source)
- Corrections in Camera Raw
- Clone stamp and other tools to remove unwanted elements
- Curves and selective increase of contrast
- Color management and separation
- Vignetting
- Add three-dimensionality through softening and sharpening
- Orton effect
- Sharpness and Resizing for Web
Duration: 1h 30m
€17.90Add to cart
The Howling Mistress - Start to Finish
In this video tutorial you'll be able to watch and learn all the post production techniques I used to transform the RAW files into the final result; we will start from the choice of the images till the sharpening and resizing the file for the publication online. We will also focus on the famous focus stacking technique, to understand how to merge the sequences of shots taken on the field with different points of focus. The softwares used in this video are Adobe Camera Raw and Adobe Photoshop, no additional panel / plug-in will be needed.
Specifically, we will touch the following topics during the video:
- Focus Stacking
- Dodge & Burn (Enhance the Light Source)
- Corrections in Camera Raw
- Clone stamp and other tools to remove unwanted elements
- Curves and selective increase of contrast
- Color management and separation
- Add three-dimensionality through softening and sharpening
- Orton effect
- Sharpness and Scaling for Web
Duration Time: 1h 15m
€17.90Add to cart

If you were looking for a complete guide that explain you what it is the Aurora Borealis phenomenon, where and when to go to get the chance to see it and last but not least learn how to photographing it, look no more!
I've published an entire book about it, where I seriously wrote everything I learned from my on-the-field experience acquired during my last years in the Arctic North!
If you're (or you will be) into aurora photography, you need to check it out!
€4.90Add to cart